Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF)


  • Moral, legal and economic reasons for preventing accidents and ill health at work
  • Key terms associated with risk assessment in health and safety at work:
    • Accident
    • Near miss
    • Accident triangle
    • Hazard
    • Risk
    • Risk assessment
    • Risk control hierarchy
    • Suitable and sufficient
    • Competence health prevention
  • Methods that can be used to prioritise risks
  • The role of risk assessment in accident and ill health prevention
  • Legal requirements for risk assessment
  • Basic process for undertaking a risk assessment
  • Factors that can affect the level of risks in the workplace
    • Occupational
    • Environmental
    • Human
  • Providing information about, and records on, the results of risk assessments
  • Main causes of work-related fatalities, injuries and ill health